Saturday 2 February 2008

Hillary at the UofA

As Hillary Clinton gives her not-so rallying warcry just a few hundred yards from where I'm sat at the University of Arizona I've found this daily blog, known as 'The XX Factor' that provides a running, opinionated commentary on the whole election campaign. Also, I uncovered this story on the BBC - at once a saddening reminder of Islam's relentless sexism, yet simultaneously an uplifiting parrable of logic, reason and sense, overcoming religious oppression. Needless to say, this came at a cost, but sometimes we have to look out for good ol' number one. Incidentally, this website, ApostatesOfIslam, is dedicated to helping like-minded individuals leave Islam, if perhaps they feel shackled by the binds of family and friends, for example. They put you in touch with similar, agreeable people in your area.