Thursday 31 January 2008

@Google Talks

Besides the inevitable, yet entertaining, comic videos posted on YouTube, such as this hillarious collection of people's reaction to "2 girls 1 cup" (a film I'm proud not to have watched), we've previously established the opposite end of the spectrum, where renditions of Beckett or readings of Pinter can be observed. Indeed, today I stumbled on this video of Christopher Hitchens at Google Talks. I was initially surprised not to have discovered this earlier, and for that matter, the other countless speakers they've presented on the web. It is over an hour in length, so get comfortable, but it's well worth your attention, as Hitchens is on fine form. As one for immeasurably knowledgeable discussion, and sharp wit, Hitchens delivers his spiel with aplomb. In the past I've watched Hitchens debate with Dinesh D'Souza, one of the more prolific and commendable pro-religious intellects (the author of a book, What's So Great About Christianity, that counters the atheists' argument), however, I sense that on that particular evening Hitchens was partially intoxicated and thus renderred slightly indifferent to the outcome. I've also watched him speak in Toronto where his fist shook with increasingly assured anger to fantastic effect. At Google Talks though, Hitchens finely addresses the balance between humour and timely seriousness, consequently enlightening his audience superbly.