Sunday 20 January 2008

YouTube Sunday

If you type various high-art names into the YouTube search engine; names such as Pinter or Beckett, you'll uncover short wonders ranging from Pinter's lament, Art, Truth, and Politics, to Beckett's mini-play, Ohio Impromptu. I was fortunate to discover this some time ago, but it seems the world has caught up with me, as our friend Bryan writes in the Sunday Times this morning. Obviously, you can be left cold by something such as Damien Hirst's (whom I'm not alone in finding insufferable) production of Beckett's television piece, Breathe. If you are interested, click this amazing performance of Lucky's speech from Waiting for Godot, by Alan Mandell. Also on the subject of online video, I pick up fro where I left off with regard to my anti-theistic teachers. The Four Horsemen is a cleverly named discussion piece forged by Christopher Hitchens, Dan Dennet, Sam Harris, and Richard Dawkins: something well worth your time.