Sunday 27 January 2008

9/11 and Diana

British people look at the hysterical American reaction to 9/11 and frown somewhat condescendingly, but we only have to look back a few years to notice that we did exactly the same thing when Princess Diana died. As you may remember, I'm not in the least bit interested in the surrounding media palaver, but I am intrigued about the American reaction to a seemingly unconnected, insular tragedy. Dominic Dunne has written an article where he comments and analyses the events in Britain encumbering the Royal Family from an outsider's perspective. What annoyed me however, was the misinterpretation of off-hand conversation. He claims: "Ten years have gone by and people talk about the accident [Diana's car accident] casually. There are no longer hushed tones." Now, just because we've been desensitized dramatically to the once-relevant national tragedy through article upon article of procrastination and intrigue doesn't mean we were ever "hushed" or any less "casual". This event was never taboo to discuss, thanks to our ever-ruthless tabloid media. I feel this, and the ongoing reaction to 9/11, is a cultural difference lost in translation.