Thursday 31 January 2008

Roll on the P.C. back-lash

Woolworths have pulled furniture branded under the name, 'Lolita', from their range, reacting to protests from web-friendly mothers who see the name as "sexually charged". Now, call me old-fashioned, but that's a bit rich coming from the same people who spread anti-birth control propaganda in the 60s and 70s. Those same mothers who preported to the ridiculous mewlings of Nancy Keenan when she said: "In a perfect world, no teenager would be having sex." Those feminists who targeted the recent RyanAir billboard, which can't be all bad seeing as broadcasters are still showing it. Those feminists who attacked WHSmith for stocking Playboy branded merchandise and stationary (at least they showed some welcome resillience and continued to stock the products). It's only a matter of time before overall public opinion quashes the collaborative efforts of stupid, uninformed, scolding, politically-correct individuals. Bring-on the backlash; the elastic band has stretched far enough.