Thursday 17 January 2008

Hello, World - I'm back

Like a lonely hedgehog standing on his hind legs for the first time, following a winter of biting cold and prolonged hibernation, I have summoned the necessary enthusiasm and inspiration to take up the reins of my fling into the blogosphere. Hello to those of you who regularly checked back daily over the winter period, nursing the hope that I might counter my prediction and post during the break. Sorry for being away for so long. However, it has been noted, part of being a good writer is being a good reader. And so, I have undertaken a binge of literary supplements, contemporary literature, and opinion articles all for your intellectual satisfaction, gratification, and stimulation. Let me be the last person to welcome you into 2008, realising that the world has continued to revolve in my cyber-absence, mewling and puking up new and wonderful stories to delve our interest into. Incidentally, my new year's resolution was to cover more pertinent stories on my blog rather than clinging to the brief, arcane, non-happenings that have previously left us cold. Inevitably, there will be those that break the colander of selection, but having subscribed to Time magazine over the break, I feel it my duty to comment on the issues that affect us all. Only this week, each one of my habitual passions, namely Radiohead, football, and good read have been stirred into action. More on that to follow shortly. In the mean time, I see my nemesis Milliband is showing far more political flare than that other guy, oh, what's his name, Gordon something; this time, tackling Russian relations. Ironically, Putin was named Time's 'Man of the Year'. Rightly so?