Monday 4 February 2008

Hillary Clinton

Joe Klein has a reliably enjoyable article in Time magazine this week to do with Hillary's downfall - her husband. Mr Clinton spent years publicly uniting the white and black communities of America. Indeed, he was the first president to talk non-condescendingly and openly to his black counterparts, which is why it comes as all the more shocking when he appears willing to counteract the whole thing by obtusely interfering in the South Carolina caucuses. Klein comes to the conclusion that when it comes to going up against Mr Motivator himself, Barack Obama, "One on one, [Hillary] simply seems stronger than Obama, but two on one, she seems weaker." I'm afraid it appears so. (A bikini-clad pornstar today declared: “She was actually the one running the country how many years ago? So, it’s like, she did it then, she can do it now.”) The family values of the Clinton family is not something we want to base this country's political system around. My good friend, Christopher Hitchens has been rather outspoken when it comes to denouncing the traits of Hillary Clinton, as exemplified in his numerous articles on Slate, particluarly 'The Case against Hillary Clinton'. A suibtable substitute to overrun the Hillaries and Obamas of this world has proved hard to find, but as Hitchens suggests in the UK Mirror, at least John McCain "commands a certain respect of the kind that professional image-builders can only dream of".

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