Thursday 28 February 2008

How to Disappear in Gatwick

After posting twice about high art on the web, I've become increasingly convinced that a sub-category needs to be invented. It only takes a few educated searches on YouTube to open a world of majesty. Yet, a video that I discovered a long time ago, I have since returned to and found that still only a few people have viewed this acute classic. It's a video made by Matthew Carrozo called How to Disappear in Gatwick. Although this may appeal to the British only audience, airports are universal concepts that (so I've consistently found) differ very little from each other. Even so, this is clearly an amateur filmmaker's piece, evidenced by the jittery use of a handheld camera, but what works so well on this video is the subtle nuances: the revolving advertisement that says 'carpe annum' stood next to the sleeping individual, to name but one. The soundtrack isn't too bad either... And so, I feel a new category, Amateur High Art, is needed to accommodate this new form of amateur expression. An elite few have long ago ditched the cliched, mobile phone, happy-slap videos of yesteryear and made their forward way with better and more praiseworthy pieces.

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