Wednesday 6 February 2008

Animal Farm

Do excuse me for not posting yesterday, I had a mental block and took the time away to reread Animal Farm. Those of you that have read it probably did so during your mid-teens at school where the condescending teacher conveniently skips the metaphor and analagy to past and, indeed, modern-day communism. The steady degeneration from what is seen as the ideal life, into squalor, poverty, distrust, and neglect does a fine job of disproving Marxism in just over 100 pages. The frightening thing is this: the book was published in 1945, well before the decline of the communists states established after the war. So then, a fine prediction from Orwell (someone who few would label a genius). Let us fathom it's only a matter fo time before a copy of this, alongside 1984, finds itself in North Korea.

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