Sunday 4 November 2007

Eat Your Greens

I am a self-confessed global-warming agnostic, one of those irritating fence-sitters with hardly any consequential opinions about one of the world's most pressing issues. Having said that, Bryan brings us food-for-thought in this morning's Sunday Times. He himself has admitted to being an agnostic also; but with the true facts at hand, he presents us with the fundamental information we ought to know. He explains why we, as the general population, pinpoint green rhetoric in politics as a good thing, yet we're reluctant to make changes within our daily lives, and similarly explains why the green movement has lost political credibility by arguing amongst itself. What struck me in this highly informed article was the amount of plausible, CO2 reducing solutions being tried and tested right now. So it's strange we never get to hear about them in the public forum. Perhaps activists, such as George Monbiot and Al Gore, enjoy scare-mongering - whipping us into a frenzy of fear for their own, self-aggrandizing, self-promoting, I-told-you-so means.