Thursday 1 November 2007

Did I mention about posting more often?

Whilst thinking of something to post about today, I trawled through the usual links and found nothing but talking point after talking point after talking point to do with sport. So I did what all great thinkers do and go for a walk, gathering my thoughts and opinions as I went. It seems that my inflated ego and general assumptions led me to a point where I realised the inconsequence of other people's outlook and the importance of my own. Therefore, the post today comes courtesy of my self-indulgent musings while wandering the symmetrical streets of Tucson. Since I've been at this university, I've made it my duty to ingratiate myself with the local culture and, in doing so, try and read the campus newspaper every day. It has a fairly decent circulation amongst the 38,000 students, and it's very well-rounded, with articles and viewpoints ranging from the obscene to the obtrusive, but all arranged in a pithy, friendly, top-and-tail kind of way. So far I haven't been compelled to right into the paper myself, even when I was bombarded by creationist drivel one day, and anti-Semitic cartoons the next - my surprisingly articulate and well-educated classmates have done that for me. What has struck me though, is the emphasis toward free-speech (a well known American value, as the internet paedophile absurdity will reveal), yet when the Danish cartoon uproar began, or the publication of Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses was again reviled as blasphemy, both in 2006, the emphasis remained on religious tolerance and respect, or, as the case may be, intolerance. We must tread carefully...