Monday 26 November 2007

An Atrocity

Readers of this blog I hope would be alert enough to have come across this story (with interest) already - a British teacher has been arrested in Sudan after "offending" the Muslim faith. Strangely, the articles I can find make no statement as to her ethnicity, however, either way, this is a modern day travesty, equatable to the barbaric, primal, atavistic, and down-right appalling backlash to the Danish cartoons. We live in a world of perpetuated fear, by fanatics who insist, not only on vehemently following their religion, but by forcing it upon others also. This action is regressive, provocative, and absurd. After all, the children of her class named the bear, should they be scoured, flagellated, and abused likewise? Adopting my Dawkinsian guise, I must remind everyone that these children are no more Islamic themselves than the British teacher - they're simply too young to understand the fundamental prejudices of their force-fed faith. This categorically violates freedom of speech, conveniently tying into my post yesterday. I hope the British government grow some balls fast enough to step in and react to this international scandal. I shall be following this one with you.