"There was the Danish cartoon affair, followed by the less-known incident of the Swedish cartoon in which the prophet was depicted with the body of a dog. And we must not forget ex-Muslim champions of western civilization, such as Ayaan Hirsi-Ali, running around Europe decrying Islam as 'the new fascism'."
Needless to say, I had read enough. He makes very clear what he is trying to say. The above, he states, "makes many Muslims angry." Well, would the honourable Hirsi-Ali be forced to traverse Europe in search of refuge were it not for the fatwa that has been laden against her name as punishment for apostatising? Indeed, she has even sought asylum in Washington D.C. as no European country is willing to justify the cost of a permanent bodyguard? Islam is the only religion where this is deemed appropriate. Perhaps Sardar should spend more time denouncing the motives behind this absurd proclamation, rather than reaching his sickening, and sloppily contradictory conclusion:
"If Europe wants to change Muslims, here and in the rest of the world, I would say only this: change yourself."
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