Friday 2 May 2008

Obama and the Reverend

Barack Obama has credited himself wisely by denouncing the absurd preachings of his "former" pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. This man appears to be having a party at the expense of our glossy candidate, fully taking advantage of his position. With quotes such as, "God damn America", and, "you cannot do terrorism on other people and expect it never to come back on you", this merely acts to reinforce the depressing claim that you really can say anything as long as you have the term 'Reverend' before your name. Just as a simple thought experiment, therefore, what would become of this man if he dressed in Muslim garb, stood atop a box in Hackney, and spewed the same anti-social nonsense? Would he be arrested for inciting violence, racial hatred, or terrorist acts? Let us hope so. But that does not excuse the drivelling fool from projecting his warped, transparently Christian, beliefs. Lest we forget that Obama has similar associates being tried for terrorist accusations in Illinois as we speak. At last the media has caught up with the problems of Obama's past. These are questions that need to be raised, and the free ride he's received so far from the press has got to stop. For those of you who feel somewhat left behind by the whole debacle, watch this Slate recap of the entire Democratic election in 7 minutes.

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