Sunday 4 May 2008

The scourging abruptness of Pat Condell

"Just a couple of weeks ago, the classic story of the three little pigs, the classic children's story, was censored by a committee of English middle-class bed-wetters desperate to show how culturally sensitive they are at everybody else's expense. And it's a classic story, we all know the story, I'm sure. The three little pigs, they're building their houses, aren't they? One of brick, one of wood, and with a naivety that would embarrass even a dimmy Archbishop, one of straw. And we all know what happens. The big bad wolf comes along and blows down the first two houses, but he can't blow down the brick one, so he flies an aeroplane into it and blames the Jews. [Pause] Isn't that it?"
-- Pat Condell, Sharia Fiasco (10/02/2008).

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