Sunday 1 February 2009


Being the Superbowl, my weekly grocery shop was a blend of calmness and fury. Along with a constant scent of barbecues being fired up all around me, the roads suddenly seem so redundant, yet the supermarket was like some kind of panic station. Everybody left right and centre was buying Coke, Crisps, Pringles, Tequila, Lemonade, Bud Light, Corona, etc. I felt rather out of place with my toilet roll and toothpaste, but I pride myself on not knowing anything about American football; I've tried to enjoy it, but it's stupid, pointless, unentertaining, and highly boring. The games are far too long, and the imbeciles that actually play the game are pathetically unintelligent. A foreigner only has to experience the over-enthusiasm of pre-game tailgates to understand that the game has become a social occasion, a tradition, rather than a sporting spectacle. The Superbowl beautifully encapsulates this entire facade. I'll stick to snooker.

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