Tuesday 3 February 2009

Sir Ian McEwan and Others

Rediscovering Richard Dawkins' terrific website, I've been watching this uncut interview with Ian McEwan concerning atheism and humanism. McEwan has been a marvelous guide along the path of secularism for me, and I enjoy hearing him talk on this subject. He briefly touches upon it fleetingly during his conversation with Clive James, whilst also discussing his early years of adventure across the planes of Iran, ironically now a model of dogmatic autocracy. Just for your trivia box, if you look closely at the books behind McEwan at the beginning of his interview with Dawkins, you'll see a copy of Christopher Hitchens' collection of essays, Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays; a book that, I'm embarrassed to say, I've so far neglected to read. Then again, why would this be surprising, as they are very old friends? Funny how I came to be followers of the two, along with Martin Amis, independently, without the knowledge of their historical connections.

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