Tuesday 17 February 2009


My beloved has recently informed me that I've averaged out to about one post a day since I returned to Tucson in 2009, which is well above my usual rate. It appears that my readers are now growing in confidence and more willing than ever to comment about what I write. I assume this is partly due to the communal feeling that develops on blogs like this. My beliefs are obvious, my opinions articulated; even if your viewpoint differs from my own, it's probably quite clear to you that we think in very similar ways: there are grounds for logical debate and reasoned argument. Often I'll clumsily negotiate my way towards a conclusion that doesn't quite summarise what I've just said, but that's part-and-parcel with the blog framework, and I would hope that you know me well enough by now to enjoy the shortfalls in my writing and take away your own tidbits for the day. I'm very comforted by the fact that some of my closest friends who read this blog will go away and follow my links, walking the same path that I did to discover some of the things I bring to your attention. This can accumulate into a mutual web of knowledge. We feed off of each other. I wouldn't stop for the world.

1 comment:

James Poulter said...

I wish I made the time to continue my blog :'(