Wednesday 26 September 2007

The time has come

Ok, enough's enough. The time has come for me to post about Radiohead. Since their tour in 2006, mainly to test new songs and attain cohesion as a band again, they have remained relatively dormant. However, they did revamp there website design, and started posting regularly to their blog, Dead Air Space, roughly six months ago. That stopped in July. This week, regular updates have returned, and speculation about their upcoming seventh album is commonplace on fansites and message boards. Today for instance they posted a coded message that, when translated, read "MARCH WA X". (Decode messages with this). Needless to say, every fan, myself included, jumped on March as a possible release date. Then, by decoding the "WA X" (speculatively, of course; they could represent numbers correspondng to their position in the alphabet), March 23rd appears general consensus. I, like many others, are drooling at the prospect of finally having a definite release date to look forward to. If you, like many others, are not drooling, you damn well shoud be. Let's hope the time has come.