Sunday 16 September 2007

Abercrombie and Racists

Now, firstly I should apologise for not posting for a few days; training has built up and, since I post mainly at night, I'm going to bed earlier (shock horror) and missing my opportunities. Having said that, a have been working periodically on a side project highlighting racial prejudice in today's society, particularly 'white privilege'. This post somewhat leads on from my previous ponderings on race. Abercrombie and Fitch have been the subject of suspicion and supposed subjugation. Rumours of racial discrimination on the shop floor and in their marketing campaigns are rife on the web. It didn't take much more than one Google search to find this site, dedicated to the prejudices they apparently harbour. And it doesn't take a doctorate to scratch your chin with reverence when you check the profiles of their new modelling recruits. OK, so you say they're a profit orientated company, they want to appeal to the largest possible target market (70% of the US population is white). However, because their influence stretches so far to the point of being able to orchestrate fashion, and because no direct competition exists for Abercrombie and Fitch (competition who employ ethnically diverse models), this demonstrates a perfect example of white privilege. Your thoughts, please.

EDIT: In related news ... this story links in quite nicely - anything to raise awareness.