Sunday 9 September 2007

Sweetenham departs at last

British Swimming's laborious figurehead, Bill Sweetenham, has resigned with immediate effect following a series of events in his private life. I have to say, I am neither saddened, nor contented by the Aussie's departure. He was the subject of misdirected accusations of bullying, and he came under some harsh criticism over the years, not only from Mark Foster, Britain's veteran sprinter, but from many senior ranks of British swimming. I've had long discussions with Mark about his life in and out of the sport, but I've also had long talks with Bill about his beliefs and ambitions for swimming in Britain; I can see both points of view. Both present philosophies. Both never contradicted one another. However, where they came to blows was on the issue of respect. Bill once told me: "reputation is what people think you are, character is what you know you are". I can't help but feel like he was talking to the wrong person. Mark needed support, belief, and respect from the sport's governing body. This is where Sweetenham falls short; by surrounding himself with yes-men and coaches who presented the stick in favour of the carrot, the limelight focussed on his alternative methods. See ya' later, Bill. An acquaintance of mine, Craig Lord, The Times' swimming correspondant has covered every matter in depth and I value his words; anything to boost the profile of this elite sport.