Thursday 20 September 2007


Just as I thought there was nothing going on in the news this week (the McCann case has gone full circle), a few things have happened at once. Firstly, our beloved Mourinho has quit. It is a great loss to the eccentricities and humorous nuances of British Football. Having said that, no-one minds watching Chelsea lose, which seems a likely occurrence now that a joker has been appointed as full replacement. Another of my passions is music, specifically Radiohead - Thom Yorke has been nominated for an mtvU award for being a good guy with his climate opinions and stuff; their blog has restarted its daily updates, "Houdiau Direkton"; and council workers have been sacked for trawling eBay more frequently than not. Although this seems unrelated to Radiohead, it reminded me of the leagues of people who collect Radiohead releases. I got suckered in at one point and spent a healthy amount of time browsing eBay, with all its greatness, for mispressed CDs, Japanese releases, promo editions, etc. It is addictive, and there are websites dedicated to it. This is another example of the internet creating sub-communities and bringing people together in a way that disregards anonymous identities and faceless profiles. Hats off to it.