Tuesday 11 September 2007

The McCanns

Following on from my earlier post concerning the McCanns, has anyone else noticed the rift that appears to have developed between the couple - no longer taking photographs together, no longer addressing the media together. It wouldn't surprise me if this whole event has had a very negative effect on their relationship. What's more, Gerry McCann wrote on the findmadeleine.com blog that he has every confidence in his wife's innocence. That seems to me like a very strange thing to say, let alone contemplate. The file goes to a judge today who has ten days to come up with an appropriate ruling. Blind hypothesis #1: unbeknownst to Gerry, Kate accidentally killed their daughter and has attempted to cover it up. (Let's see how long it takes for someone to comment on that.) It all seems a tad coincidental; returning to England at the same time as they're declared suspects; a marital rift occurs just when the couple should be at their strongest - just as they "step down" their media campaign. As I said yesterday, time will tell. What a highly sceptical post this has turned out to be. Your thoughts, please.