Saturday 2 May 2009


Waking up and rereading my previous night's blog post yesterday was rather perturbing as I realised that I could hardly remember writing it at all. Late at night I seem to go into a creative reverie, whereas during the early hours of the day I'm much more reserved, much more contained. I also wrote an email, albeit rather long upon reflection, on the subject of global warming, drawing on what I've learnt behind the doors of my Natural Sciences class this semester. It was written in response to a similarly lengthy investigation into some of the contentions and conspiracies that, unfortunately, riddle the science from step-Dad and contributor, Clinton. I fancy I'll edit the exchange and post it up here tomorrow for all to see. Equally, as you may have suspected, I've finished my second reading of Orwell's 1984 and feel more than compelled to write a piece about certain aspects of the novel ('novel' seems like such a lazy term to categorize such a work of mastery). I'll do my best to do it justice so don't expect that post too soon.

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