Wednesday 27 May 2009

American Psycho

Evidence has surfaced to suggest that Bret Easton Ellis wrote a screenplay for the movie adaptation of American Psycho in 1999. Not only that but he gave the script to the maestro of cinema, David Cronenberg, director of two of the best films of the last ten years, A History of Violence, and Eastern Promises. Picture the scene, dear reader; Ellis converted a text that many directors claimed was unfilmable and handed it to one of the best directors of our generation. What might have we beheld were it not for the takeover of the English nobody, Mary Harron (an ex-girlfriend of Tony Blair), who selected a different script over Ellis', one that captured nothing of the humour or satire of the novel, let alone the violence. Christian Bale salvaged what remained, but the likes of Edward Norton, Johnny Depp, and Brad Pitt were all strongly linked to the main role in Cronenberg's potential creation. If only...

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