Thursday 13 March 2008

An Update...

Following my venture into mainland Texas, my reading of the classic works on evolution has somewhat dropped off, or subsided shall we say. However, I have picked up the Canto edition of John Maynard Smith's The Theory of Evolution. As I was reading the very thoughtful introductory essay I had a sneaking suspicion that it may have been written by the contemporary guru, Richard Dawkins, and so when I found his name credited it came as little surprise. I was again assured that I was in the hands of a very capable writer, with an alluring tone of informality, written for the layman. I shall keep you posted. Otherwise, I should inform you that I'll be leaving Tucson again this Saturday, but this time set for good ol' Blighty. I'll be home for three weeks and I'll do my best to keep my blog alive for all you adamant readers. Unfortunately, my friend's blog, Exchange, has come to its untimely end - my inkling has been confirmed; the key to a successful blog is regular updates, which requires an unusual amount of motivation. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to my daily newspaper in the morning - a luxury that the States barely provides, along with good cups of tea.

1 comment:

James Poulter said...

Did I post?!?

F*****g internet screwed.

I said, agreed I have 1)not enough motivation, 2) unhelpful priorities and 3) too little time for this priority to write a successful blog.

I applauded yours.

Then I said I wrote another note. Then looking forward to seeing you.

Hope I can use your writing skills in a project of mine.

Talk soon. lol.