Friday 14 March 2008

Free Homosexual Kisses

Clicking on this link will give you a good visual depiction of what I attempted to describe a couple of days ago - the evangelical preachers drawing swaths at the University of Arizona. What the picture doesn't show, unfortunately, is my favorite Tucsonian couple who denounced us sinners with their classic banner. However, I can go one better; in this picture, notice the man on standby with his placard: "Free Homosexual Kisses". I commend that man. Well done, sir.

1 comment:

Brennan said...

I love the story about the evangelicals. They don't like me either, mostly because I string them along. They ask me close-ended questions for awhile, and I participate. Then they ask an open-ended question about my personal faith, and I reveal that I'm an atheist. It befuddles them every time! I'm glad you puzzled them, too! By the way, I put a link to your blog on mine. The link is "The Book Mite" for obvious reasons, I hope.