Thursday 12 June 2008

The Poor old C of E

Having read David Aaronovitch's columns for The Times for nearly six months, he's finally produced something very worthy of a post on this blog. Attacking the Church of England's latest entitlement cry, he states appropriately that this is simply a whining, self-pitying reflection of their inferior public focus in comparison to Islam. Something that the Church's report, Moral, but No Compass, wholly fails to acknowledge is its continued financial support and subsidy under Labour. They now have much greater freedom to construct segregated faith schools, and they continue to be state-funded, along with the tax breaks imposed upon the Church from the offset. Aaronovitch also illuminates a fact often forgotten; 26 of the current House of Lords are bishops of the Church. And so, even though the recent 42-day detention bill has passed parliament, it will take something special to get it through the backward, floppy-haired, dauphins of the Queen. The next time someone lamely points out that Britain is becoming very secular indeed, you remind them of the above.

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