Tuesday 15 February 2011

The King of Limbs

There’s nothing like a shot of Radiohead into the veins to concentrate the faculties somewhat. Through the usual port of call, Dead Air Space, Radiohead have announced that their eighth studio album, The King of Limbs is to be released on Saturday. Yes, this Saturday. Although, who of you reading this blog had not already heard the news? Ah, the habit of checking radiohead.com thrice daily for as long as I can remember pays off yet again. October 3rd 2007 was a special day for the same reason, and so too was the day back in early 2006 when a UK tour was announced. I distinctly remember running home during school hours in order to spend about 400 smackers on a hoard of tickets. (Recall that one, Thom?) On occasion I wish I had been born a decade earlier, allowing me enough mental maturity to track this thing across its entire progression. Then again, were it not for one or two select friends (who shall undoubtedly endure for the duration), my infatuation with the band may never have begun. I could not be more excited; one of my life’s great passions, great loves bears its fruit. Alongside literature and, of course, my beloved Holly, Radiohead has not and never will be surpassed. These days, these moments, these long hours of baited anticipation are to be savored, rolled around the tongue, sniffed at and smelt, drawn into the lungs, and generally and liberally applied to the genitals. Here’s to The Present Tense, Let Me Take Control, Give Up The Ghost, and the wealth of ditties from which The King of Limbs may draw. Just thinking about this, let alone writing about it, is enough to land one’s emotions firmly in the wet and wispy areas of nostalgia and sexual arousal.

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