Thursday 30 August 2012

Making Friends Is Easy

Seldom am I reduced to screaming at the box. Not even the Olympics, for example, elicited as much volume out of me as you might suspect. Indeed, what's the point? Last Friday however, John Humphrys took aim at a chap called Roland (yes) on Mastermind and fired twelve or so questions about Radiohead at him. In fairness to the contestant it must be rather shaky under the bright lights and he did fairly well, maybe better than I did at home, albeit without a few hours to swot up. For a long time I've wondered how hard the questions actually are on specialist subjects, but now I know, sort of. Then again, how are they gauged against other specialist subjects? Some seemed laughably easy, such as the question about Radiohead's 2007 album blah blah, while others were impossible, like the question about the 'Rhinestone Cowboy' session. I realize I'm writing for a distinct minority at present, but they know who they are.

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