Monday 3 December 2007

The Atrocity Ends

It appears the Gillian Gibbons case has come to a somewhat successful conclusion; we've been reminded of the religious recidivation of Islam and the infuriatingly passive stance of our laissez-faire, 'respectful' government. At least reason, logic, sense, and discussion prevailed over atavism. As I initially noted, it did become an 'us against them' scenario where the turmoils of a dilapidated country were seen in the true light of day behind a thinning veil of oppressive superstition. Unsurprisingly, Gordon Brown had little to say on the matter, whilst my arch-nemesis, David Milliband, seems to have come up trumps. Funnily enough, Bryan has grown ever vocal over Gordon Brown's reign and made it very clear that he doesn't like the man; "the more he does", he says, "the worse he gets". This may be the first time that I've covered a news story that has grown to dominate our news agenda (it even featured on the US news networks for a brief period of time), but don't worry, I'll revert back to the insignificant cusps of intrigue in no time.