Wednesday 24 October 2007


Micheal Moore's latest documentary, Sicko, has come under fire for perpetuating transparent propaganda, just like last time in Farenheit 9/11. He does, however, comment and make comparisons with the British NHS, which any Brit is hard-pressed to defend, yet we look pretty good by comparison. Moore makes clear how the private health care system in the US is failing an impoverished 50 million citizens, too poor to pay the basic insurance premium. From this kind of statistic, I can't help but feel a small sense of national pride in something we do better than the Americans, which (statistically) doesn't come around too often. Two days ago I spent the evening in the local American hospital, waiting in the Emergency section for treatment on a suspected broken wrist - I spectacularly fell off my bike. The wait was no less than four hours. Also, when I came to be seen, my diagnosis turned out to be wrong, thanks to the more accurate information of my resident orthopaedic surgeon. Glad to see the Americans aren't any better in this instance than we are; amazing, seeing as I'm expected to produce my insurance details every step of the way. I'm fine by the way: just a sprain.