Thursday 23 August 2007

Spreading the scepticism

I was stopped in the street today as I gladly ambled to my room by a member of the evangelical church (he believes the Bible to be literally true). He posed, asking for me to take part in a survey. Without anything urgent to attend, I agreed. What followed was a series of questions designed to force me into a moment of self-realisation: I would throw down the gallows of enjoyment and "sacrifice my life to Christ" for he can save me of my sins, you see? I hit back with the one moment of intellect from Pinter's The Homecoming: "Don't you detect a certain logical inconsistency with the central affirmations of Christian theism?". A blank look was the only response I got. "Haven't you heard of the God Delusion?...God is not Great?...". I think I baffled him with my rather new-English take on religion. The rest is history. I left him fairly non-plussed, having relished the opportunity. In related news...