Tuesday 25 May 2010

The Yard

As I mentioned earlier, Bryan Appleyard, or, as he's known to his antagonists, The Yard has reentered the blogiverse. He's a blost and writer with whom I find myself increasingly in disagreement. As Nick Cohen notes on his blogroll, Bryan is "Brilliant on everything except God". There's a very strong case to be made for this, but the strength of Bryan's perspective seems to lull significantly in ever more areas. I recall being rendered furious by his Sunday Times review of Lars Von Trier's Anti-Christ, in which he called for censorship, if not an outright ban. For all his faults, however, we forgive him because he can write. I first discovered The Yard through the (uniquely valuable) Clive James website where he's rightly listed among other guest writers who "are in touch with reality". He's a writer who gave me the tools and the courage to write how I've always wanted, and, for that alone, I pass on the highest of recommendations.

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