Saturday, 2 May 2009


Capturing the impending doom and inevitable compromise of a surveillance state, I turn again to Omar Khayyam, with a comment on destiny, and a prelude to my 1984 post.
'Tis all a Checker-board of Nights and Days
Where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays:
Hither and Thither moves, and mates, and slays
And one by one back in the Closet lays.


James Poulter said...

"In October 2006, Dennett was hospitalized due to an aortic dissection. After a nine-hour surgery, he was given a new aorta. In an essay posted on the Edge website, Dennett gives his firsthand account of his health problems, his consequent feelings of gratitude towards the scientists and doctors whose hard work made his recovery possible, and his complete lack of a "deathbed conversion". He reportedly also, upon having been told by friends and relatives that they had prayed for him, resisted the urge to ask them, "Did you also sacrifice a goat?"[4][5]"

Taken from wiki. I'm up all night doing an essay, that made me laugh out loud, back to my essay now. x

Robert Iddiols said...

I think I've heard that story before. It was in the Four Horsemen, if I remember rightly. Nope, it was in The Genius of Charles Darwin series that Dawkins made last year. He interviewed Dennet and he repeated the anecdote. Funnily enough, I'm writing something at the moment that touches on the subject of 'spiritual' care in hospitals. Coming soon.