Thursday, 14 May 2009

An even more personal identification

The other day I was faced once again by that most vomit-inducing of questions, followed as always by the formidable all-American tick-box: 'Race?' Reliably, you'll be glad to know, I ticked the box "other" and wrote "HUMAN" between the brackets, much to the amusement, I'm told, of the secretaries who administer these things through. My other options included, 'Black/African-American', 'White', and 'Asian'. I mean, what? I don't feel as though I have to explain the sheer irrelevance and brutish inadequacy of such a distinction, if it may be called so, never mind the fact that this had nothing to do with a survey, medicinal reasons, identification, or otherwise, to my enlightened readership. It did act to remind me, however, of the speculative report issued regarding the possibility of introducing British ID cards, and whether they would carry the holder's religion. Whilst lending us the opportunity to proudly emblazon the word RADIOHEAD on every form of civilian identification, I can see some practical flaws. Apparently, in the proud old country of Greece every citizen ID card carries your religion, but the verdict seems to be a unanimous - Greek Orthodox - presumably because anyone outside this boundary isn't considered a citizen.


Unknown said...

Would it be worth having I.D. cards just to proudly practice the worship of Radiohead? I THINK SO!

Jim said...

Got to agree with Thom on that one.

Unknown said...

Is that the sound of history being made there? Jim.. agreeing.. with.. me?

James Poulter said...

Whats your view on ID cards? Like the guy that was getting shot down on question time the other day... I have absolutely no problem with them.

If you're robbing banks, you should be worried about them. But I see no threat for Joe Bloggs and increased security is only a good thing.

I had an ID card in HK because I lived there for long enough. I thought they were cool, and it doesn't cause any problems over there.

But then... they've had anyone who has believed in freedom killed. Thats happened for about 5000 years straight. Ask me about it! Con-tro-versial.