Sunday, 25 May 2008

UK not OK

My new best friend, AA Gill, bemoans the Labour government for letting things get so bad that elitist toffs have taken power in Crewe and Nantwich. There is no respite for this government, and rightly so. On Thursday, the audience to Question Time (the applause-orientated competition) was treated to the devil herself: Hazel Blears. As Bryan rightly points out, she did nothing but smile from ear to ear in her own peculiar way, apparently trying to patronise the viewers into submission. Or was it because everything is going swimmingly for her and her head henchman? Evidently not. What makes things worse for Labour, and better for Cameron et al is their shockingly poor lack of direction. This may sound like a cliche, dear reader, but think; check the headlines of The Times and The Guardian this morning, but then compare that to the BBC's top story. Allow me:
Guardian Online - "Labour chiefs tell Brown: appoint a leader-in-waiting"
The Times Online - "David Miliband is ready to save new Labour"
BBC News UK - "'No appetite' to oust Brown as PM Senior Labour figures have rallied around Gordon Brown."
Could there be less direction? Those of us acquainted with Bear Grylls or Ray Mears will have some knowledge of basic survival techniques: indecision kills.

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