Friday, 23 May 2008

Another Fraud - Scientology

Speaking of fraudsters, Scientology received the butt-end of common sense yesterday as a judge overturned an absurd accusation that a 16 year-old boy was being "abusive or insulting", as the prosecutors would have you believe, to the religion. (I am, however, sure that they probably were offended and insulted - good.) Frankly, I wish this brave young contrarian had done more than erect a banner proclaiming: "Scientology is not a religion, it is a dangerous cult". Scientology crouches behind its comforting title - shrouded with connotations of scientific enquiry and social analysis. And yet, this simply encapsulates what the religion really is: a cultish assertion of lies and untruth, couched in the garish commercialism of prosaic faith groups. May I get in trouble for what I've just said? If this court ruling sets a true precedent for future cowering, perhaps not. May those I speak of seek protection yet again from the piddling hate-speech law? Unquestionably.

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