BBC Radio 5 Live provided unstimulating coverage all day today, culminating in the Deputy Prime Minister's keynote address. One can always gauge the mood of a party not by how much or how often it applauds its leader, but rather by how abruptly the applause starts and stops. In the same way that the Football League show regularly overdubs furious cheering whenever a lower-league side scores to make it seem as though the game was well attended, Clegg was interrupted by what sounded like canned applause.
Clegg spoke as if narrating a children's book. Not only does he sounds more like David Cameron with every passing day, but he also seems to have adopted that management-speak PR guff that proves so popular with no one. And clapping in unison is not fooling anyone. The likelihood that this country faces the prospect of another coalition government, in one form or another, after the next general election is rather disheartening.
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