Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Twenty-Two is Better than One

Besides the usual round of certain television shows that I tend to successfully negotiate every week, it’s extremely rare for me to click through to the terrestrial broadcast channels of my very nice 27” HDTV. The reasons for this, beside the typical time constraints, are fairly simple; the commercials on American TV stretch 45 minute shows out into 75 minute marathons, and it’s not uncommon to surf the available outlets without encountering anything other than adverts. While I was in Austin, Texas this weekend, however, I was afforded a few hours of tedium here and there in which the offerings of the flatscreen provided the most salient option. For example, HBO, rather forgivingly, were running a House omnibus, which provided the much-needed matchsticks for the eyelids during the ad-breaks. Amidst all this I stumbled across something remarkable, something I undoubtedly would have missed were it not for the aforementioned sight-stilts.

Apple’s ongoing battle with the anti-monopoly folk has forced them to appease somewhat and broach an agreement with Verizon, who will soon take up joint provider rights to the iPhone alongside the notoriously unreliable AT&T. Of course, public perception, or rather, the maintenance of their public image is all important to the gurus behind Apple’s marketing thrust. And so, their latest television commercial features two iPhones shown side by side, fiddled with and probed by the peerless hand-models of old in a sequence entitled,“ Two is better than One”. Now, I’ve never had cause enough to buy an Apple product, largely because I’ve thus far remained satisfied with the output of Bill Gates and co., plus the price-tag for many of Apple’s products hasn’t ever felt entirely justified relative to their competitors. However, and this is a big however, I may yet make that move on account of this latest advert. Keep an eye on the left iPhone of the two and you may, dear reader, spot the telling detail that has brought about this sudden change of heart. Got it?

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