Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Please Ask For One

This time last year a small circle of my friends and I went to see Stewart Lee perform his show, If You Prefer A Milder Comedian Please Ask For One, named after a less than satisfactory visit to a certain high street coffee chain. It so happened that we missed the opening thirty minutes of the show, and embarrassingly shuffled in only to find ourselves seated in the front row, and plum in the centre. This was due in part to our unanimous desire to eat our dinner, but principally because one of our team was reliably late (though so wayward and flagrant is he in his routine tardiness that he manages the paradox of being both reliable and unpredictable). Maintaining the stature of the professional, Lee barely broke his stride, although he did turn his back and walk conspicuously to the rear of stage, as though facing the without almost demanded he confront such arrant latecomers. The ensuing moments of suppressed laughter were rather contorting, it must be said, but also tinged with a subtle yet acute sense of guilt, so high is my admiration for Lee. Overall, my appreciation for the show was incomplete, circumcised as it was, until recently when I got my pirating mitts on a copy of his DVD (see below). It has been my long-held opinion that Lee should concentrate his commercial and merchandizing efforts on audio reproduction. His monologues are just that, and are rarely enhanced to a notable degree by the addition of visuals. This latest, however, is the exception and also perhaps his best. Regardless, in my clumsy and technically obtuse way I have carved the audio from its original and spliced it into chapters that would fit easily onto your iPod (other portable music playing devices are available). As a gift from me to you, in time for Christmas, here is a custom built zip file for your auditory pleasure. Indeed, it may help you to decide whether or not I should cast aside my loyalties and imbibe instead upon the royalties, and upload the full show to YouTube. The choice is yours.

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