Monday, 21 June 2010

As Promised

It's unlike me to have a categorically dross meet, but I did have a fair old whack at the 100m Freestyle on the final day, the video of which I've generously posted below for your amusement. Heavily dosed up on home brand caffeine (600mgs), the energy complex provided by green Monster (1200mgs), ZMA and BCAA tabs, and the real possibility of taking the C-Final by storm, I went out like a champ, only to crash and burn in a spectacular explosion of bodily function. In old money, this sort of death is referred to as swimming Stroud-style. It's a great shame that I'm in lane 1, the furthest from the camera, and didn't get a name mention for my early heroics. Also, is it just me or did I have this one in the bag up until the 90 meter mark?

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