Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Book titles that didn't quite make it

Inspired by the old childish game that Christopher Hitchens and Salman Rushdie used to play on lonely, more male-oriented nights in, I've been trying to add to the list of "book titles that didn't quite make it". Classic examples include:

Mr Zhivago
Good Expectations
The Big Gatsby
You get the idea. How about:

Some Ado About Nothing
Prince Lear
American Weirdo
Paradise Misplaced
It's a good one to play when lying awake at night, failing to fall asleep. Here are a few others that don't quite work:

The Eustace Crystals
True examples, of course, require no explanation, such as:

Heart of Dimness
Petty Crime and Punishment
The Road to Wigan Jetty
Admittedly, that last one isn't my best. Any more? Try it.

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