Monday, 26 October 2009

Boys on the Baize

Congratulations must go to Neil Robertson for a stand-out performance at this year's British Grand Prix. His match against John Higgins in the semi-final, achieving its denouement on a doubled black in the deciding frame, was particularly special. I can only imagine the pressure those two contenders faced as they stepped out towards the baize for one last time, enveloping the emotions and tribulations of nine days worth of competition in one short evening of snooker. The players' hotel has long since emptied of competitors down and out. The corridors of the venue are bare, save for a few cameramen. It's a very lonely sport at times, one in which you're not even guaranteed an equal shot at victory, constantly struggling to arrest table time away from your opponent. It was sad to see Ronnie go out early on, but at least he did so in style against Higgins. Likewise, Mark Williams was my pick of the bunch - with his buck legs, lazy pull back and extended bridge, he's a favorite. His face seems to disappear as it slopes down towards his chin, as if it was purposefully designed to allow him to get his eyeline as close as possible to the cue. Anyway, condolences to Ding, who carries the weight of 100 million fans on his shoulders, but a rapturous round of applause for Mr Neil Robertson. I loved it.

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