Tuesday, 1 September 2009


At least one thing was achieved in my absence; something that, I'm sure you'll agree, one should be proud of having advocated. Further, artistic, philosophical, and scientific genius and friend, Tim Dutton has come to our aid in bettering our understanding of the time-space conundrum that I posed some time ago. See the comments section for a run down. Also, if this impresses you, I've no doubt his latest video will too.

1 comment:

Dutton said...

The second post dedicated to me, I'm honoured. In case anyone gives a shit I post all my art at http://twitpic.com/photos/theDutton because I'm a bandwagon jumping narcissist.

Rob I'm glad you've started posting again, I don't read many other blogs so it's refreshing to read posts over 140 characters long.