Thursday, 18 June 2009

Ad Hominem

Hating a band by default is completely acceptable in the case of Coldplay, Kasabian, and the Killers. As if further proof were needed in the case of the latter, I offer the following:
Only U2 and Radiohead rank higher in the pantheon of globe-conquering rock bands. But now the Killers' time has come, says singer Brandon Flowers.
As if U2 should even be mentioned in the same breath as Radiohead. And what about Floyd or the Stones? You're an idiot, Flowers, with sordid pretensions above your lowly station of teenage pop-rock. Wanker. Further, I've just noticed the inexcusable employment of the term 'rock band' in the above. I'd like to see Flowers go up to Yorke and say that to his face.


Dani said...

Um why don't you actually read the interview, that's not what he said.

Robert Iddiols said...

Thanks for alerting me to the mistake. My criticism stands, however. And by compelling me to actually read the article I've learned that Flowers is a mormon. His music might be quite good but I don't care to listen.