Monday, 9 February 2009

No Surprises Please

It's been five years since I last listened to this recording. I'm in tears. Why doesn't he sing like this anymore?

1 comment:

James Poulter said...

By chance due to another attempt at making money I was messing around on my blog and actually realised I had been getting like a visit a day still for a year without a post all through search engines.

It is quite crazy, I have in fact earned $2 in adsense in that period and now only need to get $6 more I think to get paid. Amazing - and what an investment! In the time I have been holding those dollars the value of the pound has dramtically reduced, it used to be able to buy 2.25 dollars at its peak (about the time I stopped blogging) and now buys what, is it 1.6? thats a huge gain.

I'll put that on my CV and apply speculatively to IB's.

I was actually going to comment and suggest you buy a subscription to NewScientist, it is my favourite magazine and have been reading it since year 10/11 at RGS. I think you would find it highly interesting. This weeks article includes how we are predisposed to invent Gods and how we are naturally set at irrationality and our nature will always pull us back to this basis - people like you and me Stroud are tied to a bungy cord taunt in an effort to pull us away from rationality.

Good read for the ego anyway. Plus! Evolution of robots is an amazing article as is the stuff on time - your head lives longer every year than your feet because of the effect of gravity on time and because our head is further away from the earth. Crazy.

Anyhow, keep writing. x