Friday, 23 January 2009


Friend, and now sporadic bloggerist himself, Thom has uncovered this classic video of a 1965 recording of Samuel Beckett's screenplay starring Buster Keaton, simply entitled, Film. As Thom points out, it's a perfect encapsulation of self-loathing and the horrors of introspection. The subject is clearly guilty of something, but what we do not know. I couldn't help but be reminded of Dostoyevsky classically tormented protagonist, Raskolnikov, slumbered in his grief, entrenched in a tiny apartment with nothing but his thoughts. A long time ago I realised how rewarding it was to type 'Samuel Beckett' into YouTube. Take this rendition of Waiting for Godot; Alan Mandell plays the part of Lucky who explodes into a stream of consciousness when told to "THINK!". Absolutely brilliant. ("In spite of the tennis.") One of my favorites must also be Jeremy Irons' production of a piece called Ohio Impromptu with its notably similar themes to Film. I think you would enjoy them both in conjunction. Nothing is left to tell.

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