Monday, 10 November 2008

BEE News

At last, there are some Bret Easton Ellis news to tell you of. Firstly, the film adaptation for The Informers, the series of interrelating short stories (underrated, in my opinion), is set for an early 2009 release now that Sony has picked up the lease. There was also a rather strange article in the 'Home & Garden' section of Saturday's LA Times regarding Ellis' bachelor pad overlooking Los Angeles that plays host to weekly dinner parties (one can easily imagine the debauchery that may ensue after a few bottles of wine given Ellis' track record). The article included a brilliant quote from Ellis: "We are pre-recessionary dinner party people. It's always been an easy way to get six or eight people together in an affordable manner and for me to be able to drink without driving or taking a cab." What struck me, however, was a minuscule phrase embedded within an otherwise indifferent article. As follows: 'Melina Kevorkian, the producer of a forthcoming film version of Ellis' 2005 novel, Lunar Park...'. This is only the second mention I've seen of a film adaptation for Lunar Park, and the first I've seen from an official source. This is good news, I suppose, although one is always intelligent to reserve a little doubt - these things rarely turn out as you'd hope. Nevertheless, if these films turn more people towards Ellis' minimal body of work then that cannot be a bad thing.

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