Sunday, 12 October 2008

More of the same, please

This type of report rarely makes the first few pages of any daily publication any more, but it's central to the state of our foreign affairs. This is fantastic news. Annihilating approximately 60 Taliban militants in one pre-empted firefight without sustaining a single casualty is testament to the prowess and increasing skill of our allied forces in Afghanistan. The longer this trend continues, and the more casualties our enemies sustain, the likelier it is that they lose favour among split local residents and the backing of radical leaders, and the likelier it is that they question whether god really is on their side. Only yesterday did I read a superb piece of dispatches journalism direct from the Korengal Valley outpost of Battle Company. This story ties in very well with the snippets of optimism and heroism that riddle Junger's article. It's good to see the modes of practise evolving, and the styles of warfare turning to our strengths.

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